
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A tribute to a very special friend .

 I am so grateful to you my uncomplicated friend .
Although you came with no instructions
I understood you completely and you me from the moment we met .
My friend , you and I were meant to be together .
Through thick and thin (fabric) and when I've felt I've lost my way ,
you were there to gently guide me .
You never pretend to be anything you're not and never laze about on the cutting mat limp and uninspiring .
You don't try and seduce me with false promises of greatness or flash your cottony goodness at me and demand my attention .
You have never complained about threads caught in your bobbin or squealed and whined about needing an oil or dust .
You have always been prepared to work really , really hard for me and you are always ready to spend lots of time with me .
You my friend are loyal and true ,
I thank you .xxxxxx


  1. Half way through mowing the lawn. Horrible job. Stopped for a glass of water. Sat down in front of google reader and your post popped up and made me laugh. The seam ripper is a humble but mighty friend!

  2. You, Linda have a great friend. I think I will ask my green one to be my friend (O:

  3. Sorry Clare, for calling you Linda ;o)

  4. A very useful tool indeedy but, as I can vouch, pretty lethal sometimes too!

  5. What a great post! I hope you don't mind if I recommend to my blog readers that they stop by here to read it themselves!

  6. Truely a most useful friend - and the best colour as well! ;-)

    Of course I hope this doesn't mean that your day isn't going quite to plan?

  7. Ahhh Yes a great friend unless you happen to get on the wrong side of it and then it will nip you. Ouch!

  8. I loved it.. So true..A really needy friend..

  9. AHHH!!! A very good friend indeed but do treat it gently.

  10. You're right Clare!!! But my poor little one doesn't realise how much I appreciate it cos I'm usually pretty cranky when I reach for the darn thang LOL.
    Joy :o)

  11. I understand exactly what you are saying as I have a couple of good friends as well that often get a workout.

  12. You crack me up!!! Mwah ha ha ha!!!

  13. I have one of those special freinds as well ....What would we do with out them Clare....LOL...

  14. Quiet and steadfast, always there...every girl needs her friend, I know I do - and I have to call upon my friend for "advice" far more often I would like.

  15. When you are teaching youngsters one of these little friends is an absolute must!! This post really made me smile after quite a long day.

  16. What a lovely post...yes a very good friend of mine also :)

  17. Too True - where would we all be without our quick unpicker.

  18. Nice to have good friends like that. Very loyal. And it doesnt answer back(sometimes)

  19. Lots of things were Running through my mind as I read this...then I started to Laugh..Thanks for making me Smile this Morning...
    Yep I Appreciate Mine Too.

  20. My husband adds that it's also useful to clean out under your fingernails! He didn't really see the humor in your post, but he hasn't had as much acquaintance with my seam ripper as I have. I loved it!!!

  21. OMG Clare this is sooooo funny and sooo true I couldn't live without mine xx

  22. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Clare a true friend indeed. My little red pal and I have been through thick and thin together but I am afrayed!!! boom boom... to say that it insists on being nose up in its house of many tools and gets me under the nail everytime!! That's what I get for letting it hang out with the scissors and markers!! LOL.....

    Bottom up from now on.

  23. a woman that appreciates her tools!!!!!
    So funny.

  24. I have several friends, they're in different bags and always on hand as I call on them frequently!
    I love your blue friend :-)

  25. LOL!!!!! You are such a hoot! I don't get along with my little friend at ALL - we hate to see each other. *giggle*

  26. My best friend as well, but mine is pure white. Where would we be without them? In a pickle!

  27. Ahh, my 'unsewing' friend and I have love/hate relationship too. I really appreciate it when they keep their lids though because they can be a little 'prickly' at times!

  28. LOL hehehehe....That is so funny...I love it...
    Cheers :-) Michelle

  29. Ooohh Clare, big tears of laughter are running down my cheeks. You have a way of telling
    But I agree they are great friends. I feel I have been working backwards for ages now and they keep me company all the time ;-)

  30. Hi Clare,
    Hm, yes, I love and hate my friend sometimes. Love what it does but hate to get it out and use it. lol

  31. Sounds like a firm bond exists with you two!

  32. This is just one of those friends we can't live without, but I'd rather not get together too often. LOL
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  33. Hi Clare, yes i agree very hardworking, in my workroom anyway ha ha. Havent seen mine though thisweek AWOL i think!!

    I Just Love That Fabric

  34. ha ha ha ha! nice to have a good belly laugh - so thankyou. And, yes, thankyou to the humble, under-rated unpicker! Where would we all be without them???

  35. I love mine too!!
    I am sick with the flu so I needed a good laugh thanks!


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