
Monday, March 8, 2010

What's in the box ?

I mentioned last week I had a rather large cutlery box taking up space in The Craftroom.
As I was already painting the picture frames I thought it was time to do something with this box .
It was sanded and painted and it came up looking alright .
The inside was then lined with pretty fabric .
 The lids were taken off the embroidery floss boxes and they fitted perfectly .
I now have my threads all in one place , room for hoops and clippers and needles.
It is now a very useful box and darn lovely too !


  1. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!

    I didn't mind the box before actually - it was old & had some nice character, but it looks just perfect 'after'.... & is stocked with the most delicious array of gorgeous threads!

    Well done.

  2. I was reading this post and though, how will this work???

    Well what a lovely (amazing too) surprise when I saw how it all turned out.:D

    Very clever and that fabric is very yummy too.

    Blue ribbon to you Clare:D

  3. Love it! It's huge too! What sort of paint did you use?

  4. what a creative way to repurpose! It's gorgeous!!

  5. Wow a fab idea and it looks gorgeous.... clever you!
    Hugs Dawn x x x

  6. eee gads that is amazing..makes me want to keep my eyes peeled for a big useless box!!

  7. What a great way to store you stitching supplies. It looks great.

  8. OMG - I want one !!! It is so pretty XX

  9. Oh Clare that is so tidy, I am ashamed as to how messy all my threads are.
    I turned out really well, I was a bit worried when I read that you were painting it (I have stripped paint off lots of old furniture)

  10. Not just pretty now - useful too. Love the box and it's contents. More calorie free cake I see. Enjoy

  11. Oh, very clever! Your new stitching box is AWESOME, Clare. Well done!

  12. I love it Clare.... I love it!!

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  14. -that turned out so nice. the material you used is lovely.

  15. will go nicely with your picture frames

  16. will go nicely with your picture frames

  17. You are so clever - that turned out beautifully!!!!!

  18. Looks great Clare! Very clever of you.

  19. Incredibly pretty Clare ... you did a great job ;o)!!
    Joy ;o)

  20. Wow Clare that is a brilliant idea. Love it, want one.

  21. Wow Clare that is a brilliant idea. Love it, want one.

  22. You clever girl - I so want one! It looks divine, you have done a wonderful job Clare :)

  23. It has turned out really beaut Clare and its always good to have things put away all tidy :)

  24. You are right, it is very very lovely...and very resourceful

  25. What a great idea! So clever to have it all in one box which can be moved from place to place with everything you need at your fingertips. Go, You! Lisa x

  26. Oh is that Retro Mummy fabric?? Gorgeous work & soooo neat & tidy. Now to wish you Happy Birthday, love Posie

  27. Very Stylish!
    Love the fabric you've used ... yummm!

  28. wow Clare I love it now I just need to keep an eye out for one to copy you lol
    hugs beth

  29. Whoa! That does look terrific and functional!

  30. Now that is a wonderful makeover, it looks brilliant! suzie. xxx

  31. Such a great inspiring job you have done Clare.. I really love it, it's totally worth that make over..

    Have a great day!

  32. You have given the box a new life ... well done. I could sit and drool over it's content all day long.

  33. Oh I am liking the way you think. That is the most perfect embroidery thread box. I have a cutlery box that has been decoupaged ( not by me) and you know what I keep in that? Feathers..colourful feathers, hundreds and hundreds of them for ??? Not entirely sure but I will find a use for them one day.
    Until then I remain awfully strange that the heaviest box I own is full of the lightest things I own that when you open the lid, they all fly about...yep I'm wierd.
    Kiss Noises Linda

  34. OMG that last photo was like a burst of colour hit me in the face. I loved it!

  35. Didn't that turn out nicely! What a great revamp; love the cupcake fabric.

  36. I love it, it looks perfect!! You did an amazing job. The fabric is so pretty too!! Perfect idea!!

  37. Hi Clare- Thanks ever so much for stopping by and having a look at the bag I made. I love it when I find a new blog friend. Your blog is amazing and filled with wonderful ideas.The cultery box looks great! I never would have had the nerve to paint it but it is awesome.

  38. Hm hm.. that's amazing but actually i have a hard time determining it... wonder how others think about this..

  39. How CUTE !!! What a great idea !!!

    ....and so glad you came for a blog visit during National Procrastination Week! (and if you want to procrastinate and celelbrate next week that's OK with me since I am the Queen of the Procrastinators !!)

  40. Gorgeous and I love love love the fabric! (Thanks so much for visiting my blog, by the way!)

  41. Hun! What a wonderful idea it's beautiful you are so clever! Mmmmmmm! I might go and see if I have any boxes sitting around, you have gotten me thinking!!! Thanks!

  42. Wonderful makeover Clare! Eye candy at its' greatest!

  43. Oh that is just so cute! I want one...I think I am goign to have to go op shopping to look for one!

  44. Just gorgeous!!! You're done an amazing job with your old cutlery box..

    Jodie :)

  45. Love it - what a great result. I am definately going to try and find an old cutlery box now and do the same!

  46. Hi Clare, hey love that box. It actually looks nice both styles, old and new look. White is a favourite colour of mine I must say and what a handy place to store things. Good for you! Kind regards, Anita.

  47. Hi Clare! Your box turned out just beautiful! What a lovely picture of all your pretty threads in there too...I love it! Thanks for your sweet comment. Good luck in my giveaway. I certainly will post to beautiful Australia if your name comes out of my hat!!! xo Paulette ;)

  48. What great vision you have. the box painted white looks amazing....and then you opened it. Gorgeous.

  49. Amazing - the box looks like a visual feast with all your pretty floss lined up inside. Brilliant make over Clare!

  50. Yes, incredible work, to take the old box and work so hard on it to make it so pretty and handy. What a handsome way to store your precious stash.
    ♥ Emily

  51. oh Clare I am speechless!!!! It is soooo gorgeous I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. What a brilliant idea. I have a wooden cutlery box that was given to my grandparents for a wedding present in 1932. I have never really had a use for it but never been able to part with it

  52. Hi Clare,
    What a wonderful idea. I have a big box like that and was wondering what I could do with it. Do you mind if I copy your idea? Since I don't have a sewing room anymore it would be perfet to store odds and ends in. Love it.


  53. Hi Clare,
    That is totally gorgeous and I LOVE that fabric! Perfect storage! xx

  54. what a super idea....well done you.

  55. What a lovely stash of threads - it is a personal weakness of mine!

  56. How clever of you! I'll be hunting for a box to make the same idea up now! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.

  57. This is adorable! I just love organised things :)

  58. How cute....Love that box!!


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