
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pattern Testers that push !

You may remember a while back I was working with these fabrics for my new softie .
Well as I normally do I made a few mockups in calico and then cut into these pretties .
I made up the design taking numerous notes as I went along .
I got right to the nitty gritty of writing the pattern when I heard voices ...
It was these fabrics saying
" pssst come and play with us you know you want to "!
So I did !
Here I am at the nitty gritty stage again when I know some of the other designers have finished .
One is having a lovely weekend one is cracking the whip at me and one is now on parole .
The idea of me wanting "pushy pattern testers" is that if I commit to you I really need to do something .
Some lovely bloggers have offered their services to test my new pattern and now I have set dates and exchanged details .
I would like one more Aussie blogger who has never made a softie before .
You will be rewarded with my neverending gratitude .
Push , push , push !

Edited - Thankyou for your generosity I now have the testers I need .
PS - The second photo of fabric that led me astray was all purchased from Funky Fabrix 
it was a birthday present to myself but we don't need to tell my husband , do we?


  1. LOL! You are one funny and busy gal!
    I have never ever made one....But It would probley require a sewing machine eh?....Hmmm? We won't talk about me and sewing machines!

  2. Hi Clare. You probably have all the testers you need but can i through my hat in the ring if you need more. :) Love those fabrics you have there. Hugs, Jeanette

  3. Love how your fabrics talk to you...did anyone ever tell you that that was not normal? Hummmm come join me in the looney bin.

  4. Hi Clare, I am only too happy to help out as a pattern tester at any time, however I have made softies before, like Jeanette I will also through my hat into that ring as well. Can't wait to see what you've come up with!

  5. Well, Im not an Aussie for a that counts me out..I have made dolls but not softies.. soooo if you would consider a non-Aussie being a pattern tester..Im willing Hugs Lisa

  6. Well, Im not an Aussie for a that counts me out..I have made dolls but not softies.. soooo if you would consider a non-Aussie being a pattern tester..Im willing Hugs Lisa

  7. Love those colours - glad you've set your deadline. I guess I can't test patterns as I am so challenged at actually following them. Best Wishes

  8. Hi Clare! You're so funny! I wish I could help, but I'm terrible at following instructions, and most of the time I end up winging it, and doing my own thing!...It would help if I was better on that darn sewing machine also! He and I have a love/hate relationship! Pretty fabrics! xo Paulette

  9. I have made 4 softies in the past, so I guess I cannot be the tester you look for...
    But I wish you luck!

  10. Good luck with your new project Clare:D. Hope you have enough testers too.

  11. pretty pretty fabrics! good luck on your new projects!

  12. Awww Clare .... it's all good ;o)!! Take a breath .... have a coffee, eat some cheesecake/chocolate/something gooey ;o). It'll all work out in the end :o)!!
    Oh, and those fabrics are gawjus ~ I can certainly understand you being distracted by them ;o)!!
    Big hugs,
    Joy ;o)

  13. Gorgeous zingy fabrics; if you ever need a tester from the UK, let me know! ... :0)

    Shirl x

  14. hi, i love your blog and lovely fabrics, i am an aussie and havent made a softie before if you still need someone,

  15. what lovely fabrics - very easy to get distracted when they are all looking at you!!! Would love to be a tester but as am in UK am probably too far away!!!


  16. Pretty pretty fabrics. How could you not accept the invitation of those five...they would felt unwanted and that wouldn't do.

  17. Clare, Psssst.....I hear voices too. The voices say to me Ánita, don't you dare go near your knitting again, do some house work'. I just ignore those voices. lol. Great fabric by the way. Kind regards, Anita.

  18. I am ALLOVER purchasing fabric for myself for my birthday (or any other day for that matter!) and Funky Fabrix is delicious.

  19. LOL - yes, I would need someone pushing me too! Those fabrics are lovely.

  20. Oh well I missed that one, over and done, before I saw it.
    And why can't kiwi's help? :)


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .