
Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Organised Scatterbrain

After I'd already made a big mess making cards in the Craftroom I thought I'd make a bit more .
I'll be so organised this year and get a bit of a headstart on the Mother's Day stall for the primary school .
I wrapped and decorated packets of Dove soap and thought I'd package them with pretty face washers .
I mentioned this to my daughter who gave me the best eye roll I've ever seen and reminded me she doesn't go to primary school anymore she's starting high school next week !
Now before you think I'm a terrible mother and forgotten she's starting high school , I hadn't forgotten but it just never occured to me after doing the Mother's Day stall for so many years that I wouldn't be doing it this year . I have no children in primary school anymore , bit sad really .


  1. These are lovely Clare, pity that you will not be having any more children in Primarry school (though i bet your daughter does not think so) You can always donate them to your favourite street stall.

  2. funny!! Don't you just love the rolling eyes???

  3. I'm sure the school will still accept your beautiful wares Clare. They usually need all the help they can get these days don't they! My daughter is starting High School next week too, so very scary!!

  4. They are beautiful Clare. I'm sure the primary school would still love them anyway. Had a little giggle at the eye rolling.... I pitured my 13yr old girl doing it

  5. They are so pretty, Clare. I'm on the other side - just starting the primary school thing. I'd love to hear what else you do for mother's day, father's day, etc stalls. I'll have to look at your archives one day...

  6. Clare they are absolutely adorable!!
    Isn't it weird after doing 'Mum helper' at PS for years...that we're no longer... well... weird!
    On the up side... wooohoo, growing up and moving forward..Yipppeee!!

  7. Once the kids go to high school you don't seem to have be involved anymore, it is a bit sad.
    I am down to my last at high school. I can't believe he will be year 9 this year!
    Cheer up though, that time you used to spend on school obligations you can earmark for yourself!

  8. Those are lovely! And I can see why you'd be on auto-pilot, getting ready for the fair. You can always give them as gifts!

  9. Oh Clare your old Primary School would love them still. You would be one of the parents they would be wishing were still I have two left to go. One is in his last year there. I have one in the work force and one in his last yr of High school. They grow all too quickly. It is just not fair.


  10. Oh I could'nt bear to tear those open to retrieve the soap!
    I have 1 in school and two yet to go so I guess I should mental note all these little ideas eh?

  11. They look so sweet and beautifully wrapped, Everyone will love them!

  12. Sometimes I forget to grow up with my children thinking they are still small. They really don't like me doing that! So, I had a good feeling when I read about your experience (O:
    Have a lovely weekend!

  13. Well at least now you can use it against her. Next time she tells you off or acts a bit childishly, you can turn around and say "Grow up, you're in highschool now!" lol
    I'm sure the primary school will be happy to accept them anyway. If not, you can always have a giveaway!!

  14. Ah, yes, i do have that first day of school panic of 'is it today??' but this year i have all 4 in the one primary school again, so uncomplicated!! Next year, another story!!
    Feel free to send those soaps over to my primary school, i'm the fundraising coordinator & we're a tad light on donations each year. Lucky i know someone in a crafty business who donates lots of things!! Love Posie

  15. how great do they look clare...very nice...schools are always grateful for any contribution towards fund I am sure they will love them...

  16. They (children) grow up so fast, don't they?

    These are lovely, though, Clare!

  17. they look lovely, and to be so organised and thinking of mothers day befor valentines day and easter!

  18. Beautiful! Oh yes, the eye roll age... great! suzie. xxx

  19. They are very pretty. Put them in "your ahead gift box". Their "receivers" will be thrilled.
    Nothing changes... the eye roll!!

  20. Don't you just love the eye rolling when it happens. It is better than being ignored. Just think you have a great stash of emergency gifts and they look great.

  21. Such pretty packages...what a lovely idea.

  22. Cute post. And I love your little boxes. Delightful and perfect for a stall for Mother's Day at a primary school!


  23. They are just so sweet! I'm sure you'll find the perfect use for them...Kids just love to do that eye rolling thing, don't they? hee hee hee!!! ;D

  24. aren't those so sweet and dainty! i love them!

  25. Hi Clare, Thank you for dropping by my blog and being so kind! I LOVE your blog. It is fantastic and that colourful quilt-to-be is amazing and these little boxes are just darling. Best wishes from Ireland, Carol :)

  26. Lovely!

    Hi, I'm Laura from Italy! I have a blog and I'd wrote a post where is cited also your blog:

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  27. Sing with me Clare...

    "Oh the times, they are a-changing....".

    It's funny how just one year of schooling - from yr 6 to yr 7 - can change so much.

  28. Oh Clare. Maybe the stall needs people like you even if you have no primary age kids. Look at it this least you will have time to do more for yourself.

  29. Still a great idea as "stand by" gifts - they look gorgeous

  30. They are just so beautiful!!!

  31. Easily I agree but I think the collection should secure more info then it has.

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