
Monday, November 2, 2009

Where are "ewes" going ?

My son called out to me the other day and told me someone was waiting for a lift . We haven't had sheep in our back paddock for ages so I have no idea where these two came from .
I am going to be busy over the next few days emailing people with partner details of The Ornament Swap and finishing off my advent gifts so there won't be a lot of craftiness to show you .
How about a little challenge ? You tell me where these sheep wanted to go .The funniest (because I love a good laugh ) most creative answer will win a very small prize .
Now if you want to cheat and you speak sheep , I asked them and this is what they said.


  1. These 2 sheep have lost Bo Beep and are wondering where she took their coats to.

  2. You hilarious Woman!!!
    It's plain to see the girls need shoes and hats!!!
    They're going shopping of course :p

  3. They're looking a little sheepish, probably because they really wanted to be on Ewe Tube. Baa-ing that they'll settle for your blog.

  4. They are enroute to the 'spaaaaa-aaaa!' for grooming.

    Pop over for our DOUBLE GIVEAWAY DOUBLE ... Have a lovely November.

    TTFN ~ Marydon

  5. I reckon they are hoping to get lift to a Rammstein concert.

  6. I think they are on their way to the Baaath house!!! Couldn't resist.

  7. Poor sheep, they are late for their friends baaa-b-q! No, that's a bit cruel, their friend might BE the bbq. Really they are off for a long overdue holiday to....Baaabados! xo

  8. The grass looks so much greener on the other side of the valley, so Maude and Philomena are intent on getting there. The Foster Farm wanna bes can drive a car, so why can't they, they think. They are just looking around for someone to hotwire the car for them.

  9. Said one ewe to the other...Not a blade of grass left.
    Said the other one......thats what I get for following ewe. Take me Baaack.

  10. The sheep are trying to say.....
    "Hay, did you see three bags full anywhere? We've been left here, stranded (in one ply), and fleeced of our coats!"

  11. Hey man can someone give us a lift to the local cop shop. Somebody slipped us a micky and when we woke up we were butt naked.

  12. They want to know the way to visit the Beach Boys,so they can join in on the chorus of " BAA BAA BAA BAABRA ANN"!!!!! LOL

  13. Going by the Bo peep comments I'd be more worried about the three little pigs, the wolf, the three blind mice and the moon jumping cow turning up tomorrow wanting to know if they can join the party. THEN what will you do?

  14. Hey! hey, let's sneak into this here red car.......Oh darn who's that with the camera, we're sprung!!! kind regards, Anita

  15. "What makes ewe think we want to go anywhere? - that looks like a colourful lunch over there!"

  16. OK where too from here? I told you we needed a map but would you listen nooooo! That's the last time I take you when I escape to greener pastures!

  17. Clare You are a cracker!!!
    As for the Sheep...Well I don'tspeak too much of it,
    Baa Ramm ewe.....Like Pig In the city!

  18. "Hi there could you give us a lift? We heard there was a Ewe Two (U2) concert in town..."

    love your blog :) Katrina

  19. a truck pulled up and asked are looking for a ride to the quilt shop , I think ewes need a quilt to put over your backs, anything would look better than this horrible trim ewes just got!

  20. They wanted to go to Baa-nstable to visit their cousin baa-baa-ra! sorry couldn't help it. Iv'e gone all sheepish now with embaa-assment! Hee hee. suzie. xx

  21. Well there's a railway track in the background and considering the date of course they're off to Mel-baa-ne to see the Irish horse Baa-saltico run in the cup.

  22. p.s. they even had their hair done for the occasion :P

  23. We can see the train lines but is this the platform?

  24. "Baaa, your legs aren't long enough to win the Melbourne Cup, but I'm a shoe in for fashions on the field. Which way is it to Melbourne anyway?"

  25. "Did someone say sheep? Where?"

  26. one says to the other...hmm where did they go? What do ewe think Baaaaabe which way to the picnic?

    PS read all of the comments - so funny!!

  27. LOL!!! I say by the looks of the first pic with them in it, they wanted to go in that red car... LOL!!!

    Tare Care
    Jodie :)

  28. Baabara said to Baarnaby, we'd better baaail fast, or this lady will make a baaaag out of us!

  29. I think they go shopping for a winter coat. They seem to be a bit cold.

  30. Congratulations Clare on winning the giveaway over at Calico Crossroads!!!

  31. Congratulations Clare on winning the giveaway over at Calico Crossroads!!!

  32. I think they were looking for the ladies room. Like most of us on a trip.


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .