
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can you see me now ?

Apparently some have been having a little trouble reading my blog . I did wonder what was going on when I posted about slashing my fingers with the rotary cutter or when I said my sewing machine blew up I was getting comments such " Congratulations Clare " or "Well done " or "What great news Clare " it was because you could not read a word I had written ! I hope you can see me now and thanks for hanging around ! Don't feel bad , none of that really happened so you probably haven't missed too much at all .


  1. Thank goodness, I was horrified to see all your problems! Only kidding!!
    Love your blog Clare

  2. Oh, my....I was thinking how horrible you must have felt when we didn't comment on your I'm glad to know there WEREN'T any mishaps!!! LOL

  3. Hi Clare, yes i can see you now.Sorry to hear of your mishaps. I still haven't had an email though about my ornie swap partner. Hugs, Jeanette

  4. that picture is a classic, what a hoot!
    you gotta look after us old gals with bad eye sight :P
    smooches rosey

  5. You had me worried there for a minute :) Glad nothing happened..but one thing did happen and thats you won a giveaway :) well done Clare...
    heres the webaddie

  6. Great pic! Glad you are well! Have a sweet day!

  7. That pic's almost in focus! where's my specs?. Glad you were just joshing about the 'accidents'

  8. Good to see you looking so well and all!

  9. I hope I was not one of the ones with a comment like that....I type without my glasses and yes, I can see you better.

    By the way, I am giving a Ginger jar Quilt away, come on over if you have the time!!

  10. Clare, My what big eyes you have!! kind regards Anita

  11. Ha Ha Great picture.. You had me going there for a while. Naughty girl :(

  12. Hope you never have a week like that again.
    Hugs Bec

  13. Thank goodness you did miss that flying wheelbarrow! Only joking! I haven't had any trouble with your blog! suzie. xx

  14. I definetly can see you now...that is such a wonderful image.

  15. You gave me a frieght when you said you'd hurt yiour fingers! How dare you do that to me! I'm glad you're alright! How are you going with your ornament making?

  16. Well done Clare. What great news.

    Sorry, I couldn't help myself!! It was always a click and cross your fingers to get to your comments section so now is much easier.

  17. Hi Clare! For a minute there I was deciding if I should return the rotary cutter I JUST bought!!!
    I'm glad none of that really happened. It's funny, one of the pictures in my last post, suddenly vanished (???) I'll have to fix that up later on....Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I'm following your wonderful blog too!
    Hugs, Paulette ;)


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .