
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Not very exciting for you maybe ...

but for me it is !

It is very rare for my husband to take a day off work for anything but fishing but today he did because he needed fishing gear ! He mentioned he was going to our closest big shops over an hour away and it just so happens to have a Spotlight ! I thought it would be sweet if I kept him company on the drive so after getting the kids to school off we went ! I must say my husband is not one for shopping and so I could keep out his way I suggested he just drop me at Spotlight and it worked ! I knew my time in there was very , very limited and I flew into the shop like a frenzied woman . I managed to grab and pay for all of this in under 10 minutes and I didn't even hurt anyone in the process .
Now this is something that intrigues me , why do assistants in fabric stores say "what are you going to make with this ?" Like it matters ! Isn't it enough just to have it ?


  1. Very Nice! Your hubby sounds like mine!Lol! Lisa

  2. I know exactly what you mean about the "what are you going to make with this?" question. One of the assistants in Spotlight asked me this question last week so I told her that I was making some bias binding tape. She then proceeded to ask me what that was. I nearly fell over.
    I really like your fabric purchases.
    Jane 80)

  3. It's all so true.. been there..done that.. ha ha
    Nice speed shopping :)

  4. Obviously the people in your Spotlight work faster than the ones in the one I visited yesterday. Gorgeous fabrics and well done on making the most of the opportunity.

  5. Good Morning - I am a new follower of your blog and love your fabric ! Will definately be reading your blog regularly !

    Best wishes - Vanessa

  6. I love the fabric and am impressed by the speed of your shopping, I think I stood in the line for over 20min on Friday at Spotlight so good timing as well.

  7. You did well. Great fabric choices. I know what its like to shop under pressure, but you've got some gems there, you can't go past polka dots!

  8. Just 10 minutes, all that fabric and without knocking over people... you are a careful and keen shopper! Chele

  9. You did ALL THAT in 10 minutes!!! You would be dangerous given anymore time. Well done and when is hubby's next shopping venture!.

  10. I know what you mean!! It has always annoyed me when they ask you that. I just say "stuff". They are usually quiet after that!

  11. OOhhhh....nice nice and drool time again :) Have fun with them Clare :) hugs Vicki

  12. I can so relate to you and your husband. I think you did well buying all that in 10mins...beautiful material.

  13. LOL - that's impressive! And no one hurt. Well done :)

  14. What a lovely collection and in only 10 minutes, well done. I'm with you - what does it matter what it is going to become or even if there is a plan.

  15. Wow you got some great fabric while you were power shopping. Well done.

    I don't think there are many men that like to shop.

  16. Clare!!!! Change the color font on comments!
    I cannot even read this mint against the pinky background....
    Making Me Go crazy!! lol!!!!
    I love that you are such a Possessed Obsessed shopper...
    Even I am excited over the Fabric...And I don't sew!! Haaahhaaaa

  17. Why do they bother asking that? I never have anything in mind hee hee!

  18. What a beautiful assortment of fabrics. I just tend to think store workers are sometimes bored and looking to make it never really bothers me when they ask what I'm going to make.

  19. Ha ha... I thought I was the only one who collected fabric..."Hi my name is Kathy and I am addicted to buying fabric, paper and buttons for no apparent reason".

  20. Ha ha! I love what you got! I think the clerks are trained to ask you that! I saw it on a sign once posted at the bottom of the register at Joann's (a fabric store) here in the US. I always thought they really cared but I guess not! :)

  21. I agree with you. I often buy fabric just because I love it and must have it. I always find things to do with it.

  22. Glad no one was injured in the making of this post...LOL...i agree what do they's mine,mine,mine now!

  23. I've never heard of the "Spotlight" store but I wish I had one now...
    LOL I love you last sentence - priceless.

  24. You are so right! They ask that here, too! And it was very nice of you to sacrifice of yourself like that to keep hubby company on his long drive. You deserve all of that goodness for your goodness! LOL!

  25. Oh yes, it would be very exciting to me too! suzie. x

  26. Oooh very nice Clare! Luv the paisley, top right and the red with white polka dots.
    Agree with other comments that they are probably trained to say what they do. Although I think sometimes they might not care what you're going to do with it either judging by their tones and attitudes! lol. Can't blame them tho. :^)

  27. Great shopping clare. I actually don't mind when they ask that question because you tend to get an idea from them what other people have made with it. Hope your husband managed to get what he wanted.

  28. Nice choice of fabrics Clare. Enjoy them! Can never have enough fabric.....

  29. I get asked that too..........I rememeber getting some fabric for the sake of it one day, as you do, and none of it matched. She asked " oh are you going to make a quilt" "I hope not" I said "because it would be one ugly quilt if I did" She looked at me as if I was a weirdo..............hehehe.


  30. I work in a craft store (NOT Spotlight!) and I ask because I'm just curious to know what people are going to make with their fabrics. Although it does make me feel better when people tell me it is for their stash (I don't feel so guilty about my stash!). Love the red polka dots.

  31. Pretty good effort for ten minutes shopping. I'm an hour from my nearest Spotlight so I go a bit crazy when I get there too.

  32. Clare, you and I are twins. I get my husband to drop me off at Spotlight too. It works a treat. The only drawback I have is if he comes into Spotlight with me, he manages to spend more money than I do. How you ask? It's safer not to ask HA HA. Kind regards, Anita

  33. Awesome work! I love your choices... have to say I'm rather partial to the spotty red and the aeroplanes... and you're so right, possession is everything, what we do with them afterwards is mere detail ;) Keep blogging x

  34. Well done!. I think I have at least two of those fabrics in my stash.

  35. I can't believe you achieved that in 10 minutes - is that some kind of record? Well done Clare!!

  36. ts not so much that they ask its that they look at you funny when you tell them!! Love your picks!

  37. In and out of Spotlight in 10 minutes! And you bought material! In Sydney it takes them 10 minutes just to cut you one metre of fabric! And that's a good day.

  38. Oh, what a cute story. I am the same with My Guy. He is not a good shopper and never likes to linger. He has trouble how I can be in a fabric or craft shop for so long. Like hours!!!! The purchasing is great but the looking is so much fun too.

    Have a great weekend.

  39. Hi Clare, love your fabric purchases...must have been an amazing ten minutes....Warm Regards Lyn

  40. Wow, all that in 10 minutes?
    Silly question, they never ask a stamp collector what he is going to do with the stamps.

  41. What a nice collection in just 10 minutes. We also live at least an hour away from Spotlight, but great news, they now have a new big Bunnings store. So as soon as I have a few extra dollars, I'll try the same with my bloke... wonderful sewing hint that!

  42. Now that pic excites me too! And yes, what do the shop assistants care? I really hate it when they ask me too - especially in front of other customers. I guess it's something to say rather than just staring at you!


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .