
Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm so sorry I slept in !

And His Highness had to get his own breakfast !
I'm sure this look says "Serves you right!"


  1. LOL!!! i really love this post! Made my day
    What a cutie

  2. ROFLOL How funny!

    Maybe you should get him a gravity feeder so he doesn't run out of food!

  3. Its a look of....How dare you sleep in!! eheheh

  4. i read a sticker once that said 'dogs have owners cats have slaves'...and i once had a bumper sticker that said ' i like cats, they taste like chicken' i thought that was very very funny!!
    perhaps you should whisper that last joke in his ear to wipe that smile off his face =]

  5. Naughty Mum for sleeping in. :) At least you cat gets his own breakfast. Mine meow until i get up. Hugs, Jeanette

  6. Good to see a man who knows how to get his own breakfast. What a cute face.

  7. lol....I used to have a naughty cat that was very good at doing the same thing. Very cute.

  8. oh dear - not looking very happy!!

  9. Oh my, I love the photos! Bet you weren't expecting that when you woke up!

  10. That will teach you mum - in future my stomach comes first. Just like my cat he is such a routine "person". If things are not done on time - well just watch out!!

  11. LOL - Cats - you just gotta love em.


  12. My Charlie looks just like your cat...for a minute I thought he'd moved!!!....but then, he's too lazy to get his own breakfast....he'd rather wake me up by bumping me with his head and meiowing in my ear until I did it for him......yep, I am a slave to my cat!!!!
    'o) Wendy B

  13. lol, I have a madam (Pepper) by name & nature, who would be too lazy to help herself, she would sit on our head to wake us up !!

  14. Ha ha - what a funny cat!
    How is the "thinking" going over the Christmas Polka Dot Swap? I have posted the details if you're in!

  15. Oh I just laughed when I saw this post.

    Our cats, just climb and jump all over us when we sleep late. If we shut them out the bedroom, they howl at the door.

    Gotta lurv the fur kids:D

  16. hahah poor cat!!!!!!! The voting thing only reboots every hour so it doesnt change when you look at it. You can vote once a day. Its just a place for people to see the top blogs which is good because if Im on the top then more poeple will visit me. You dont win anything and if you forget to vote than it can make me go down the list because other people are getting votes.
    Woudl you mind doing a post on me and my new blog?If you do it Ill send you a really sweet suprise....Let me know...I need followers!!!!! So see if you can post something and get me some followers!!!

  17. Cats will be cats. They sure love their food and when you sleep in beware! Our Rocky is pretty good but if we sleep in, he starts walking on our bed and talking to us. Cats are the best.

  18. Purrfect. Glad you were able to sleep in.


  19. Naughty little man, but a happy little man.

  20. Oh your kitty sounds just like my kitty, Archie. I love you blog, super place to visit, I shall be back often and thanks for visiting my little place. Hugs xxx

  21. Great post - it cheered me up! Thank you also for your lovely comment, I'm glad I'm not the only one whose scissors suffer lol.
    PS I have also signed up for the Handmade Christmas Ornament Swap xx

  22. Very cute ... must make sure Oliver doesn't see ... he would eat all day if I let him!

  23. hehehe very cute! that photo made by day!

    p.s. hope you can check out the giveaway in my blog!

  24. Cheeky little thing! At least he didn't eat the whole box! I bet my Sampson would have made himself sick if he managed to get into his food like that!

  25. I have three of my own little dears, and they really do get into everything!!! He's a real smarty...and a cute one too! =D


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