
Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's snowing in the Craftroom !

It feels like it anyway as I'm a little snowed under this week and feeling a bit overwhelmed at having too much to do and too little time , the same as most of you . I can't even show you much craftiness this week as I'm finally getting on top of my PIFs and I don't want to spoil anyones surprise , mind you it's probably going to be a bigger surprise that they receive something from me this year ! The other things I've been frantically trying to complete are magazine projects and you'll see those soon enough .

So you don't think this is a really boring post I thought I'd show you Christy from Sweet Tidings version of my pattern Frances Frog . Christy has a fantastic blog and she really is so talented .

The pattern for Frances is available from my blog shop or from My Ebay shop.


  1. Don't forget that it is a non-negotaible rule that when at the snow, you MUST stop for a hot chocolate every 3-4 hours. And to dry off your wet ski gear by the fire. I guess you could skip the drying off part but don't forget to take a break and remember to breathe!

  2. I need to make my little frog.....on my list....

    sorry you are snowed under....

  3. Hi Clare,
    Your little froggy is very cute.

    AS for being snowed in-take one day at a time and prioterise.

    There is only so many hours in the day and I don't want to see you having a breakdown.

  4. Hope you get "un-buried" soon. You and me, both! This has been a nightmare of a week!

  5. Funny how we cruise along only to often end up in a big avalanche!

    I ahave been in the thick of one too,Comming out the other inside after a quieter week But next week My Gut is churning thinking about it!
    Try and breathe alittle and think of all you achieve whilst flat out!
    This too will pass.

  6. Dear Clare, Thought I would stop by and say hello. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your post is just how I am feeling at present, not much to show for the last couple of weeks. Hoping I snap out of it soon, hope you do too. All the best.....

  7. Oh, so sweet to see frances frog in here! Your patterns are the loveliest!

  8. Love Francis...How so very cute!
    Take time to smell the roses Clare, it's so easy to get snowed in!

    Hugs Julia ♥

  9. Looking forward to your things you are making. I like your froggy!! Hope things slow down a bit for you soon.

  10. Such a cuty! Good luck with your PIFs and hope the snow has melted by now ...

  11. Such a cuty! Good luck with your PIFs and hope the snow has melted by now ...

  12. Hi there...just work slowly through it all...I know exactly how you feel...Have a great weekend♥x

  13. It must be a busy time for everyone. That seems to be the theme of lots of blog posts lately so you are not alone. Anyway, the frog is so cute. My daughter loved frogs when she was a little "tom boy" kid.

    Have a fun weekend.

  14. Ah! I'm so glad you can understand all my craziness! I am ready for it to be over, - I feel so scattered and disorganized. I'm sure you do too. Just keep chanting: "This too shall pass!" :)

  15. That's an adorable little frog. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Have a Quilty day and hope you dig yourself out from under that snow.

  16. Clare, thanks for stopping by Haby G.
    That frog is just too cute and I love that fabric!

    Take a deep breath and work through your pile, as least it's craftiness that has you snowed under and not other mundane things :-)

  17. What a darling frog... I hope your craft load lightens up! :) I know how it is to be swamped.
    You visited me a while ago when Sheila at Blessed and Distressed and I were partnered up for a swap. I didn't get to come by to say thank you for visiting before, but thank you for visiting!! :D

  18. I speak your language... snowed under.. for sure.... where does the time go?.....I hope you have some success finishing your projects... that is relaxing to sit back and admire a finish... he he... with a hot choccy in hand.
    Hugs Dawn x x

  19. Love that little frog!!


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .