
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Handmade Christmas Ornament Swap 2009

As there are only 85 yes 85!!!! days left till Christmas and things start getting a little busy we often can't manage any big swaps how about a little swap ?

Robyn from Daisy Quilts and I have joined forces to arrange the

"Handmade Christmas Ornament Swap 2009 "

This swap is an easy one for this time of the year as it's a small swap , so small in fact it's made to hang from a Christmas tree ! If you would like one on your tree , join us !

The swap is open to all those with a blog in Australia and overseas so you must be prepared to post airmail .

Details , Details - All players will be given one swap partner , you will send to one lady and she will send to you .You will make and send one only gorgeous handcrafted Christmas tree ornament and one lovely Christmas Card for your partner (nothing extra). The ornament will measure no more than 5 inches (approx) and should be handmade by you with love and care. (Example: Make something special that you would love to receive yourself. Please do not cut out a paper star and send it to your partner.) Robyn and I will be posting links to more ornaments and (hopefully) some finished ideas just in case you need some extra inspiration .
So…. if you would like a small tree ornament (no bigger than 5”) handmade especially for you by another friendly blogger sign up now!
Please take the button from the sidebar to add to your blog and let’s have some fun making bloggers trees the best ever this Christmas!

Sign ups are being taken with Robyn at Daisy Quilts , have fun !


  1. Couldn't resist, just had to do another swap before 2010 as I've promised myself no swaps, 2010 is going to be all about ME!

  2. ohh, I'd love to be in this swap! I think this is one I can easily manage.

  3. ok Clare. I've given in to temptation. Sign me up please. Hugs, Jeanette

  4. sign me up too please!!! Just the jump start i need to get me in the groove

  5. Now this is a nice swap to join. Fun and not much stress. I am definitely in. Thank you for organizing this together with Robyn!

  6. Oh Okay I will be in!!!
    Me and Christmas dec's making may be more a Challenge than anything!
    But Yep I am in!

  7. Thanks Clare, I have signed up with Robyn xx This should be fun

  8. Thanks so much Clare. I'm heading over to Robyn's place to sign up.

  9. Where has this year gone?? 80 something days to Christmas...oh nooooo!!! I better get a move on :)

  10. Hi Claire,
    Where has the year gone? It seems like only a short while ago I put the Christmas tree away. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :)

  11. Nice article you got here. It would be great to read something more concerning this topic. Thanx for sharing this info.


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .