
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pretty maids all in a row .

Something had to give .

First it was the Party Peg Dolls mucking the place up and then having Barbie lying about , my house is a mess !

So now I've had to bring in my personal cleaning crew .

Shame to dirty their pretty aprons though ........


  1. That Barbie post was the best laugh I had in weeks! Hilarious. Glad to see you have this colorful crew to help clean up. You think they'd clean my place, too???

  2. Clare--just love those aprons. Much nicer than jammies around the house doing work

  3. Are these doll-sized?? Are they for sale Clare - my girls would go mad for them!
    Send them here when they're done at your place could you.

  4. First off, Barbie needs a new couch!
    She's too tall for that one, sheesh!
    I love the aprons, will the peg girls
    wear them? or not? I wish I had my own cleaning crew even if they were that small, it would still be okay by me. LOL I wouldn't complain, honest.

  5. Oh they're so cute!!!!
    Joy :o)

  6. Hope the crew got the job done in a jiffy! Love the colours.

  7. Can I borrow them my house dose need the once over or maybe the bomb. Very cute, you are such a clever lady.
    Big Hugs Bec

  8. All very colourful, cute and gorgeous, TrishJ

  9. Hi Clare, just gorgeous..I wish I was a little girl again!

  10. Hi again..tried emailing you to say thankyou for your comment on my blog, but it won't go through for some reason..I wish my kids were young again to where my baby hats also, but luckily I have plenty little nieces and nephews.

  11. Talk about chaos in your house Clare. Hope someone managed to clean up - I heard that Barbie is a real slob and never picks up after herself.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  12. you should show us how small they are put them next to something else like a mug or pencil. they are so very very pretty!

  13. Hi Claire

    I love your pretty maids..thanks so much for stopping by my blog for a visit..I been looking for some sewing blogs and I think I found one...hope you don't mind if I follow along, hope you do the same...have a great day

  14. Great sense of humour. I love those little aprons very cute. You are having fun I can tell. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment.

  15. Well someone needs to clean up after Barbie!

  16. Your blog is delightful, a feast to the eyes, and funny too! Thanks for the lovely sentiment re my blog, if I could just get the pics posted!!!

  17. Love the little apron display. Those are just too cute!

  18. Your aprons are so cute! Now, about that cleaning crew...are they available on Saturday at my house?

  19. Love them! Kate x

  20. I just stumbled onto your site. What fun! I'll be back.

  21. clare these are Divine...
    so cute and stunning...
    Every Barbie needs some of these...

  22. I remember as a girl my mother's dishsoap having an apron just like that. I had all but forgotten about it. Might even have to make one. :)

  23. They are incredible I love them! You are sooooooo clever!


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .