
Friday, May 15, 2009

Button, button, who's got the button?

How is it I can spend , what seems like hours , searching through my hundreds of buttons and still can't find just the right one ?

Maybe because I'm really only playing with them instead of seriously searching !


  1. Ooooh I know what you mean Clare I love the sound they make when you rifle through them. . . it's amazing!!!! OMG I just read that back and I sound queer lmao. But it honestly does sound amazing hehehe
    Michelle M

  2. hahe, I do the same thing, like a kid with a bag of lollies!! What is it with grown women and jars full of buttons :)

  3. I can totally relate to that! ;)

  4. Its like having worry beads but with buttons you just have to let them fall through your fingers marvelling at the beauty of all the buttons like little gems. They are gorgeous

  5. Sifting buttons through my hands is so relaxing. Looking at all the different colors and shapes is really mesmerizing. I love buttons, too! Can you tell?

  6. I spent way too long going through my buttons this morning - I needed some for a little garment I've knitted. Were *these* ones best? Or *those* ones? I took them to the window. Then back to the table. Hmmmmmm.


  7. Every time I look through them, I find one I've not seen before.

  8. My Granny has a button tin and several large realy old jars of buttons.
    I was given them often to play with as a child.
    And thought it was the bomb!

    Now My older kids will visit and also pull out the buttons...
    Kind of sweet really!

  9. OOOHHH I just want to run my fingers through them!

  10. Oh I can sooooo relate to that he he he, I do that too!!!
    Joy :o)

  11. Hi Clare, i know just what you mean. I've a huge bottle of buttons & get totally distracted when i tip them out to look for a specific button. 10 minutes later & well - still looking. lol. :) Hugs, Jeanette

  12. Impressive collection Clare, you can never have too many buttons!!

  13. Those are way cool buttons, and you know someone else has the one you are looking for! Enjoy

  14. I too have to get my buttons out every now and again just to have a look at them all and a little play. I used to get them out with my grandson and he loved searching thru them and finding the different ones.

  15. Fantastic collection of buttons. We have special button jars for the g-kids & they love them.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  16. One of my passions Clare....buttons....lucky you

  17. Oh, Clare - how gorgeous - I think I will have to start a collection!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  18. Sometimes I get out my big box of buttons and soak my hands in them! It seems like they just keep accumulating! I'd love to display my buttons but the house is full of displays as it is, whether it be shells, snake skins, watch faces, and kitten and cat sculptures and trinkets...among other things! We should start a "Collection Wednesday" or something where we show off a collection every week!

    I want you to see my button box! go here -

    love manda! xx

  19. A girl can never have too many...

    Oh, and buttons!!

    You'll still never find the exact one you want Clare but won't you have fun looking.. [giggle]

    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  20. I am a button addicts too. My DD likes to tip them out, find her favourites and sort them into colours. Did you find what you were looking for?
    Janelle :)

  21. Oh my stars! I am having button envy. I like the collection Wednesday idea...I was also thinking it would be fun to have a button swap...send 25 buttons to a blogging friend and see what they do with them! Lisa.

  22. Funnily enough I always have this problem too, I never never have the right button for the craft I am doing but! I love to feel them run throught my fingers and I am now sorting them into seperate jars trying to get all the same- ish colours together in one jer am I boring or what.

  23. playing with buttons is such a wonderful thing to do. They are so tactile, and I even have trouble using the special even if they seem like the right one! how silly is that?????

  24. Gorgeous button collection! I have a thing for buttons too - I can't resist them.

  25. hmmmm, I know all about that problem!! I was doing that just yesterday - I can never find a matching pair when I want one or the right shape or size - but it is still fun hey?? Hee-hee

  26. i absolutely love buttons i have over 35,000 of them :P there truely beautiful


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