
Monday, April 27, 2009

Vintage Sewing Things

Kris from Tag Along Teddies was showing us her lovely vintage finds recently so I just thought I'd be a copycat and show you mine . Actually the main reason that I can't show you any of my recent craftiness as it's either a PIF or a magazine project but I promise I have been very crafty .

My little Vulcan sewing machine I've had for a long time and I probably picked it up at a garage sale . The fold out box is very , very old and belonged to my husbands auntie .

The only other really old sewing things I have are my hands and what a boring photo they would be .


  1. how old are you???? now i have images of this really really old nana running around after teenage children saying scram scram!!
    not really, but a photo of you would be good!
    %*_*% great sewing machine by the way

  2. LOL... you gave me a giggle too! I'm sure your hands look as youthful as your designs, Clare!

    Your sewing machine is prettier than mine... mine is a vintage 30+ year-old Husqvarna in MISSION BROWN!!! Thank goodness it runs better than it looks!

    Have a great week! Vikki x

  3. Hands are very important sewing tools!!

  4. Oh I love the fold-out case. And I had a snicker about your hands. But I'm sure they don't look old.

  5. First visit and your blog kept me smiling! Will be back again.

  6. He he ... you're a scream LOL!!
    Joy :o)

  7. Ha,ha!
    Yes...I am waiting for the very right sewing machine to turn up for me at a Garage sale...
    I will use it som little I want a bargain one to learn on...
    Hands apparently age faster than any other body part...
    My Bobbs may differ in agreeance tho *wink*

  8. I know what you mean about the hands!! I am over that 50 mark now, still find it hard to beleive that number belongs to me!, and I look at my hands and wish I had looked after them better when they were younger. I don't like the arthritus that is coming either, makes sewing a little difficult at times but life is really very good to me.

    Love your blog, and looking forward to reading more posts.

  9. I too had a laugh at your comments about your hands. I am the same Clare and think I must get out that hand cream I got for a present and use it!! I will do it soon. It must be the time of year...I too am in a bit of a sewing bog. It will pass tho...

  10. I love those old fold-out boxes...and I am sure your hands are lovely...haha

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  11. I love the hand part. Maybe we should have a 'picture of your hands' day.

  12. Love your vintage sewing machine, makes me want one, LOL!

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog Claire. I'll be back for sure! Cheers, QGB in Canada

  13. I absolutely love your vintage sewing machine. I recently bought one and posted about it here. I absolutely love vintage and think old machines sew the best. Thank you for becoming a follower of my site. Yours looks pretty neat.

  14. Hi Clare--I also looked up your site from a comment left on mine--as you know I am in the states--but I only buy, pretty much AU quilt magazines as they "fit" my style and me more than the ones here do!!
    Love your blog site and the "hands" comment won by the looks (reads) of things--as it gave us all a laugh!!!
    I use my vintage sewing Machine, it one of the white singer featherweights and it really does a much better job of quilting then the Brothers I have!! Take care and I will be back--Just, Di

  15. Good morning, I love the sewing machine and the sewing box.

  16. Hello.. I am having a giveaway stop bye and Join {please}


  17. What lovely vintage goodness. LOL at the hands - Cream I say and lots of it in the dry winter like weather!

    Love the wooden box - would love to be my hands on one of those one day - and off she totters to dream her little dream!

  18. I love your blog and they say the old ones are the best.I have just read your about me page and i am just doing a project from a Country Threads mag in 2002,my hubby brought me a load of these mags and Homespun off ebay all from the same lady i dont know how any one could part with these books i for one adore them.


  19. Love the foldout sewing box, I just got one from my mother in law and it is on my blog also.



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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .