
Monday, April 20, 2009

Granny Square Overkill !

I've seen a bit of crochet as I've been skipping around blogland .

There has been a bit of "granny squares" and some lovely delicate crochet around .

Here is my not so little contribution , it is huge ! It covers totally my queen size bed and actually drags on the floor on both sides .

I have worked on this treasure since I was a teenager and carried it around the country .

Why did I not know when to STOP !

And why oh why did I join the squares in black ?


  1. I have a quilt done very much like it though not so large!
    But it too is in black joinings...
    I did'nt make it but mabey t was a trend?
    I will never get rid of it.
    But the vcolors in mine are pretty garish

  2. You must have enjoyed working on it Clare to continue making it to such a large scale. I bet it is lovley and warm.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  3. A girl can never have too many granny squares, that's what I say! How wonderful to have kept your treasure and to still be using it!
    Warm wishes, Vikki x

  4. It is amazing Clare :) I cant believe you did so many squares :)

  5. Looks nice and warm. I love the fact that you joined them with black - frames the squares and makes the colours "pop"

  6. Love it Clare, I have heaps of those granny square rugs made by my dear mum.

  7. oh i like the black boarder...
    and love granny squares...

  8. I just wonder how you manage to move it when it is that large? Looks fantastic and reminds me of something which my grandmother made for my family - always fond memories.

  9. Oh Clare it's just gorgeous!!! I absolutely adore Granny squares!! I can remember making loads when I was a young thing, but they never got made into anything cos I couldn't be bothered to sew them together LOL. Hmmm, I wonder whatever happened to them???
    Joy :o)

  10. I am still learning how to do this! I think it looks great with the black, it frames all the different colours nicely. You are very clever! Mine keep curling! :)

    PS. My work verification is donate - I think it is trying to tell me something!

  11. Clare it is AMAZING and beautiful! what a treasure to have made. I am envious I am trying to do granny squares at the moment! I was so lucky a couple of years ago to pick one up brand new, this big at the op shop! It fits on our queen bed, but I would of loved to have made it myself!!! I think the black looks great

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I too enjoy a little bit of crochet. It is great to be a hooker and it is so easy to take and do anywhere. I guess it is one of those things that is really easy to add to if you decide to make it a little bit bigger.
    Thank you Clare for your lovely comments on my blog.
    Jane 8o)

  14. I think I read somewhere that granny square afghans were traditionally joined in black. I think it is lovely! Lots of your history there, too! If you truly don't like the black or the size, why don't you take it apart and rework it into several smaller afghans. I do that all the time with my knitting/crochet. Tastes change and you might be happier with a re-do!

  15. Oh I love it!! And I love the black, I would definitely keep this forever =)

  16. Very pretty and colorful!

    Happy sewing!

  17. It certainly is pretty!! Maybe you could take off a couple of rows and make pillows from them.

  18. That is so gorgeous! My Nan made us all one of is one of my treasured posessions!! Cathy

  19. Wow that's HUGE!! I quite like the black and it is very classic. Gosh I don't know how old you are but if it took that long maybe I'll actually be a granny!! Thanks for popping by and commenting.

  20. I think most homes in Australia would have at least one blanket made of granny squares! I have a couple that my grandmother mdade for my kids when they were young, as well as some that I have made over the years. Personally I like the black border :)

  21. Clare I love it
    reminds me of Grannie ,a porch ,swinging chair... and looking over the mountains...and listening to Grannie telling a story.......... Oh to be a young Gal again ...I wish

  22. Wow, that is amazing! A granny square blanket is on my list of things to do:)

  23. Oh my, that is gorgeous! I am always envious of those who can crochet or knit :)

  24. wow that is awesome! i'm a complete beginner but am determined to keep going as i'm so inspired by all the lovely crochet i'm seeing!


  25. the black is fabulous! I am still yet to learn to crochet, thats one of my craft goals for the year, hope to have a gorgeous throw like yours one day!

  26. Hi Clare, the granny square throw is beautiful, you really are clever. It's funny you should say you've been working on it since your teens. I started making a patchwork quilt when we got engaged and never finished it so maybe I should for our 20th anniversary next year?? Thanks for your comment about Emily's love for the Spanish waiter on holiday. You can imagine what she'll be like as a teenager can't you??

  27. WOW!!! That is amazing!! I LOVE it!! If you ever get tired of carrying it around with you package it up & send it too me in the UK! I don't think I'd ever move from under it!!!

  28. Hi Clare! I love your granny squares and was actually considering adding black to mine in a nostalgic moment. Those are the granny square afghans I remember as a kid--all the squares sashed with black. Yours is lovely!

  29. I like it and the fact that you have been working on it that long and didn't give up on it. I want to learn to do granny squares some day. Have a wonderful day.

  30. Thanks for visiting my blog Clare!, I LOVE the Granny Square blanket, I remember crotcheting heaps of these back in the 70's, wish I had kept them now!!.. and I like the black, it is very retro!

  31. Hi Clare :-)
    I didn't know they were put together with anything BUT black. Looks just like the ones my mom used to make. :-) I am seeing them everywhere now too. Beautiful yours is!

  32. Hey I love this! I have 40 not so beautiful gold & brown granny squares that I made back in the 70s. I never did crochet much, and have forgotten how to put them together! lol

  33. Hi there, thanks for visiting my site. For the record, she didn't wear the skirt to the party :( Loved this blog about your crochet blanket, made me laugh.

  34. I love it ... it clashes and brings bright happiness at the same time ... and the black is perfect.

  35. I absolutely love it! The black is gorgeous. Beautiful work :)

  36. Um....i totally love this!!! the black is IN!!!! what fortitude you have shown for carrying this around!!! i'm impressed!!

  37. You joined them in black cos that's what we all did :-) - and because black blends lots of un-matching colours. I have 2 of these and they are as heavy as!

  38. I think black is the popular colour to join coloured crochet is quite effective and emphasises the colours. Congratulations on working on this since a teenager....though that piece of news is a little disheartening for me because I have only just started knitting a granny square quilt and silly me thinks I may finish it for next winter. lol


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