
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Who gets the Mean Bunny ?

I know you've or been trembling with anticipation (or fear) to find out who is the lucky winner of the "Mean Bunny" .

After a huge amount of comments (13) mostly saying "no thanks I don't want your bunny " I, in all my wisdom, have decided that Kimba4 is the one most worthy of cherishing this wonderous creature .

Kimba4 did not notice the evil glint in his eye she thinks he is delightful and charming , well she didn't say that but she might have been thinking that . So lucky girl Kimba4 if you send me your details I will chuck the "Mean Bunny" into a letterbox so fast your head will spin .

Now onto other things - I have almost finished a new stitchery and I really need to hurry so I can count it in the Project a Month . So my next post will be a giveaway for the new pattern .

I haven't included a sneak peek cause I wanted to put up a photo of the "Mean Bunny" just to remind you what you're missing out on . Snicker , snicker !!


  1. Congrats to the winner of the mean bunny I will try my luck in the next giveaway teehee ;)

  2. Congratulations to Kimba4!!! I'll be looking forward to seeing your new pattern :o). I've been a bit slack this month, I'll be doing my best to get a project finished by the end of the month - fingers crossed ;o).
    Joy :o)

  3. Congrats to Kimba and I am sure the Mean Bunny will be cherished by Kim. Looking forward to your new pattern Clare :)

  4. I wanted the mean bunny, really I did but I just didn't think it would make it here in one piece. My husband saw them unloading packages the other day and they were just kicking them off the truck...not funny but to them it was.

  5. Thankyou Clare. Yes if he survives the post he will be truely loved here.

  6. Looks like that mean bunny has found a new home.
    Look forward to seeing the new pattern Clare and thanks for your support and good wishes for tomorrow.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  7. congrats to your winner
    i think your bunny is cute LOL
    Thank you for the comment on my blog
    hugs Beth

  8. awh, how sad mean bunny was so unwanted! :)
    he is cool, couldn't be more kitch if he tried!
    Gutted I missed the comp. x

  9. Thanks for popping by my blog, always nice to meet fellow bloggers and your site is great!!
    Emma :)

  10. That is a scary bunny - I hope the winner has a steely constitution & doesn't frighten easily!! ;-)

  11. Hi Clare, thanks for your comment on my blog and well done for finding the scary mean bunny a good home! kate x

  12. You are so funny. I enjoy reading your blog. I await with anticipation for your pattern. Enjoy your day.


  13. Well I don't think he looks mean. He's cute. She'll love him.

  14. His egg wheelbarrow was gorgeous but he a little 'freaky"
    Congrats to the winner

  15. Cant wait to see your new pattern. I hope the mean bunny arrives his new destination safely..

  16. This was such a funny bunny! Does look a bit "alien" don't you think? Either that or it's supposed to be an intense look of focusing on moving that giant egg? Good for Kimba4 who has now inherited that funky and sweet bunny, lol!

  17. Hi Clare - thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello - it's always great to find new and interesting crafty bloggers out there! The Mean Bunny reminds me of the villianous bunny in 'Hoodwinked' - all cute on the outside but evil within! LOL!


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .