
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

paper bag swap

Most of you will know I'm a member of the Handmade Craft Forum where lots of chatting , swapping , sewing and crafting goes on .Recently we had a "paper bag swap " all this meant was we sent a paper bag full of various crafty bits to our swap partners eg. fat quarters , ribbons , buttons etc . We then were able to make whatever we liked from the bag and then sent it back to our partner . I was so lucky to be partnered with Sandy (no blog) as from all the various bits she put together this lovely stitchery . It is so nice when you can see how much effort and friendship goes into the work . Thankyou again Sandy .


  1. Clare it is lovely and I love purple.

  2. Very lovely Clare. Lucky you as it's in my very favouritist colour.

  3. How gorgeous!! I just love the colour.

  4. So lovely in delicate lavender! It's gorgeous Clare!

  5. what a lovely wall hanging and you are very lucky to be the receiver of it. Sandy if you are reading this, your work is gorgeous!

  6. Wow Clare ...its gorgeous!! Sandy is a lovely sewer and so neat. I love the colours too. ONe of my favourite colours. :)

  7. That's a really pretty hanging Clare. How nice to receive it in a swap.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  8. WOW,
    how pretty is that wall hanging.Love the soft lavender Sandy's used.You are one lucky lady Clare.Barb

  9. that is so nice. this is the sort of thing i want to make but am too scared to start. miss linda will have to hold my hand. :)

  10. that is so lovely, you're very lucky, hugs Clare x

  11. That is one gorgeous piece. I love the whole swap concept, that swappers are so willing to share their beautiful creations. Lucky you.

  12. Gosh thats nice, thank you for your kind thoughts

  13. What a fun swap and I love what your partner made for you.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .